Important morning arrival/drop-off safety reminders
South Parking lot- there are two options:
Park and wait- pull into the lot and park your car in a marked space; then get out with your child.
Drop-off- pull into the drop-off line and wait until you reach the front of the line; then let your child out of the vehicle on the passenger side only.
Drop-off on Kearsage- Do’s and Don’ts
Do- Pull as far forward (as close to the south lot) as possible. Let your child out on the passenger (curb) side of the vehicle. Wait until you are at or near the beginning of the line to let your child out of the vehicle.
Do not- Drop-off on Kearsage near the junior high (Adams and Kearsage). Instead pull forward as explained above.
Do not- Drive north on Kearsage and drop-off on the east side of the street. This forces students to cross either between cars or walk between cars dropping off on the west (school) side which is unsafe.
Junior high circle drive and adjacent parking lot
The circle is for drop-off only. Please do not leave your vehicle in this area.
Drop-off- Pull forward in the circle and let student out on passenger side of vehicle.
Waiting- Pull into a parking space
If walking a child in for pre-school or kindergarten, please park in a marked parking space. Do not leave your car in the drop-off area.